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creating peace one zirit moment at a time...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

member meeting

Paula Brett "present", Erin Wheeler "present", Charline Burgess "present", Ellen Degeneres "not present" (oh but she will be one day)..ok ladies so breathe deep Right Now. send love Right Now. let go let go let go Right Now. be zany be zirit be you Right Now..alrighty then meeting is ajourned..maybe as we get more members our meetings will last a little longer..(do I sound like Stuart from 'Flight of the Concords'?)

zirit- worldnation

one worldnation united by the worldnation united by Right Now.

Friday, May 13, 2011

first official member

thank you Paula Brett for being my first official member..I will be taking role call soon.

Tricia: "Paula Brett"

Paula Brett: "Present"

allrighty then...

3 simple steps to a zirit-life.

1.) inhale deeply into the present moment connecting to the love that is in and around your own heart.

2.) exhale slowly sending that love out to all living beings.

3.) let go of something that you may be clinging to and make space to play.

what is a zirit anyways?

zirit = zany spirit..we all have a little bit of zirit, or maybe alotta bit of zirit, that is within us! 
testing 1,2 testing 1,2,3...