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creating peace one zirit moment at a time...

Monday, June 6, 2011

check baby, check baby.. 1, 2, 3 check...

ok so this is my lame, low techie attempt at starting my own blog..but tonight I am meeting with a pro so check me out real soon..I will keep you posted on the zirit-life project of creating inner and outer peace one goofy, beautiful zirit-moment at a time  and can't wait to hear feedback from all of you!..breathe deep. send love. let go and cartwheel..Right Now.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

the story of zirit-life

When I started brainstorming about how exactly I wanted to explain this zirit-life stuff, I found it ironic that I was sitting in the exact same spot at the exact same car wash where I had my very first panic attack about 12 years ago. The darkness, anxiety and fear I experienced at that moment years ago was the catalyst that sent me on my healing journey. Accepting the fact that I have a chemical imbalance in my brain, I have had to be on mild anti-depressants at times over the years for generalized anxiety disorder. I mention this because the medication has been a tremendous help in finding balance and clarity. Other aspects of this 12 year journey include a very regular bowel routine (just kidding. Actually I’m not really kidding) but what I meant to say was a very regular yoga practice, reading, contemplating, counseling, exercise and meditation. The combination of all of these things has brought me to this amazing lightness of being, experiencing the deepest sense of peacefulness, contentment and bliss regardless of external conditions or situations. I still get frustrated and angry at times but it is very short-lived and shallow and I always come back to this beautiful place inside.

I started having thoughts like ’how in the world can I share this with others, something light-hearted and accessible to all; transcending race, religion, gender, political affiliations and potentially bringing deeper meaning and peacefulness to everyday life. So one night I was literally awakened by the word “zirit” in my head like it had been whispered to me by someone or something.. possibly the ghost of Dr. Seuss, coincidentally my kids were celebrating his birthday week when this word came to me on that random night.

Zirit is a totally made up word but from the moment it came to me it has taken on a life of its own in my world. All of these zirit ideas have been channeling through me and I have no choice but to put them out into the universe. don’t care where they go or what they do but I physically cannot contain this ziritism and nor do I want to. So zirit-life was born and as it comes to me and as it dances around in my heart and in my head it has become apparent to me what I want to bottle up and share from this amazing journey called life.

The cornerstone of this ‘zirit-life’ idea is all about ’breathing deeply and fully into the present moment’ which is really getting back to the most basic of all basics because all we truly have for certain is this life-sustaining breath in this present moment and there is no greater gift.

The second piece to ’zirit-life’ is about feeling a connection to the love and vibration in and around our own beating hearts and then energetically sending that love out to all living beings. When we start to cherish others even more than we cherish ourselves, which doesn’t mean we stop taking care of ourselves, but we let go of self-grasping which is at the root of so much pain and adversity. We start to shift our thoughts from ’what can others do for me’ to now thinking ’what can I do for others’, we stop assuming things, we stop taking things personally and we start to feel a shift towards more inner peace and ultimately start to realize the inner-connectedness we all share.
The third and final concept of this so called ’zirit-life’ is about letting go of resistance and reconnecting to our light-hearted, playful selves. By ‘letting go’, I mean a daily, hourly, moment to moment practice of letting go of fear, anger, embarrassment and all of these types of things that keep us from experiencing the truth, the beauty, the simplicity and the certainty that is the present moment. So when we let go, let go and let go some more we can let that goofy, dorky , giggly side of us shine through. So that is how we get a zirit-life…breathe deep. send love. let go…Right Now (then do a cartwheel or the moonwalk or a hurkey jump or whatever that goofy thing is that you do so well).

Saturday, May 14, 2011

member meeting

Paula Brett "present", Erin Wheeler "present", Charline Burgess "present", Ellen Degeneres "not present" (oh but she will be one day)..ok ladies so breathe deep Right Now. send love Right Now. let go let go let go Right Now. be zany be zirit be you Right Now..alrighty then meeting is ajourned..maybe as we get more members our meetings will last a little longer..(do I sound like Stuart from 'Flight of the Concords'?)

zirit- worldnation

one worldnation united by the worldnation united by Right Now.

Friday, May 13, 2011

first official member

thank you Paula Brett for being my first official member..I will be taking role call soon.

Tricia: "Paula Brett"

Paula Brett: "Present"

allrighty then...

3 simple steps to a zirit-life.

1.) inhale deeply into the present moment connecting to the love that is in and around your own heart.

2.) exhale slowly sending that love out to all living beings.

3.) let go of something that you may be clinging to and make space to play.

what is a zirit anyways?

zirit = zany spirit..we all have a little bit of zirit, or maybe alotta bit of zirit, that is within us! 
testing 1,2 testing 1,2,3...